30+ Expert Interviews
3 Topics - Love Yourself, Find Love, and Keep Love
Cost - Normally $397 + Tax

Bonus Experts
As Seen On:

Alison Armstrong

Evan Marc Katz
Some of The Questions Answered in GET LOVE NOW SUMMIT:
Why do you keep attracting emotionally unavailable men?
Why Men Disappear?
What's the biggest turn off smart successful women unknowingly lead with on a date that turns men off?
What is the #1 Quality Men Are Attracted to?
What are the three primary things you can do to make every man want to commit?
How do you Get a High Quality Man NOW?
How do you keep a relationship happy, intimate, and successful for life?
...And Much More

Love Yourself Experts

Allana Pratt

Mia Saenz

Bonnie Gayle

Jane Donovan

Laurie-Anne King

Larry Michel

Denise Dominguez

Suzette Vearnon

Susan Ball
Find Love Experts

Antia Boyd

Camille Virginia

Carol Allen

Cheli Pumphrey

Ken Bechtel

Helena Hart

Cyndi Olin

Wendy Newman

Julie Spira

Jonathon Aslay

Macy Harjot Matarazzo

Marni Battista

Lorna Poole

Iris Benrubi

Rachel Russo

Emyrald Sinclaire
Keep Love Experts

Scot and Emily McKay

Joanna Shakti

Dawn Maslar

Robyn D'Angelo

Arielle Ford

Katie Titi

Mike Goldstein is a successful private dating coach, public speaker, author, and founder of EZ Dating Coach who has appeared on the Today Show, Reader's Digest, The Star Ledger, Shape Magazine, and NJ.com.
The #1 Online Dating Expert in the country who works with the data from multiple online dating sites to ensure his clients are in the top 5% of successful daters, with results that have seen 83 percent of his clients obtain relationships.
Mike’s main point of focus is helping successful, happy women find love and commitment via personalized one-on-one coaching.
More About Mike
Everyone has a story, right? Mike is no different. About 10 years ago, Mike was devastated when he received news that his girlfriend at the time had been cheating on him with a close friend. In an effort to understand why, Mike dove headfirst into a life of studying relationships and dating. Through this experience, Mike saw a great amount of personal growth. So much so that more and more people began to ask him for advice, with many suggesting that Mike should begin coaching people. He listened and started EZ Dating Coach, and within a short period of time Mike had helped guide six people to fulfilling marriages.
At the beginning of his 10 year journey Mike built an online dating methodology that was landing friends and clients into fulfilling long term relationships at an industry leading 83%. In the beginning of 2014, major online dating sites took notice of his success rate and wanted to get involved. These sites started providing their data to back up Mike's theories. Now his process has been fine tuned with millions of data points and is helping thousands of people land healthy happy relationships. However, his work is never complete, he is constantly refining his process and finding new ways to optimize the process of moving clients from single to into a relationship.
"Having love and companionship forever is something every person on this planet deserves. It is my goal to make sure that happens! " - Mike Goldstein