Scouring through online dating profiles trying to find a man who wants commitment takes a lot of effort. While there’s no guarantee their dating profile will tell whether they do or don’t want a real relationship, I have discovered some common threads that typically mean the guy is NOT looking for commitment. Here are some profile signs I’ve found to help you avoid the wrong guy.
1. Profile doesn’t have much detail
A man who is serious about finding a life partner is also serious about filling out his online profile. He’ll take time to write about his interests and hobbies and won’t leave gaping holes in his profile.
2."Looking to see what happens"
If he’s got that quote on his profile, he’s most likely looking for a girl to hook up with, not someone to build a meaningful relationship with.
3. Pictures with Women
If he posts pictures of himself with other women, that's where his head is at. Not on creating a relationship.
4. Any Mention of Sex
Yes, we all love sex and it’s an important part of a relationship. But if a man is truly looking for someone to spend the rest of his life with, he’s not going to include how often he needs to have sex a week to be happy.
5. Pictures that are not good and clearly took no effort
If a guy can't make some effort to find or take some decent pictures for his online profile, how much effort is he going to make in a relationship with you?
If you’re browsing online profiles looking for a lifetime partner and you see any of the above signs, do not message or respond. There is a high chance this guy is NOT looking for commitment.